"Ka pasesi... 2019"

On April 4th - 6th "INTRAC Lietuva" will participate in International Agricultural Exhibition "Ka pasesi... 2019".
In our stand we will demonstrate Manitou and CASE technique. You will be able to see from a close up Manitou telehandler MLT 961 with EcoStop system and also MLT 625, MLT 733, MLT 737, MLT 840 ir MLT940. Manitou agricultural loaders MLA series 533 T, MLA-P516 ir 2700V.
CASE backhoe loader 580 ST.
If you have any questions about choosing technique or possibility to purchase it, you will be able to consult with our sales managers.
Come and visit us in the Aleksandras Stulginskis University (Universiteto 10B, Akademija, Kaunas distr., Lithuania).
Opening Hours 9.00-17.00.
INTRAC Lithuania team